Friday, June 24, 2011

Eight Weeks and Counting

The last time I thought I would be adventurous and take the road less traveled, it ended with two surgeries and seven months of physical therapy. Now that my arm is fully healed and has almost all of its strength back, it's time for another adventure. This time, I'm heading to London!

Studying in London has been something I have always wanted to do. I remember being little and having my Mom read the Paddington Bear books to me. I remember hearing about all the wonderful places in London and thinking 'I'm going to go there someday'. As an English and Medieval History double major, London provides a multitude of opportunities for scholastic growth. As a young person, it also will be the experience of a lifetime. I have a feeling that this trip will bring nothing but amazing stories for me to tell in the nursing home when I am old and senile. (Of course, at that point no one will believe me, but hey! I'll still have some awesome stories!) While I am excited for a lot of things like living in Regents Park with my friend Sara S.; seeing Big Ben and the changing of the guard; country hopping at my hearts desire (and schedule's convenience); and visiting my boyfriend who will be studying in Krakow, Poland; I will admit that there are some things I am really nervous about. I'm worried about being REALLY homesick, and not enjoying my time there. I am worried my arm will stiffen up in the cold rain and make me completely reliant on my left hand for everything. I am worried about how the change will affect my sisters, because in this upcoming year there will be a lot of changes for them besides my leaving. And until the day I leave, I'm worried that something will prevent me from going to London. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and go 'What did I get myself into this time?'.

I've been told that all of these worries are justified, and that this little adventure of mine signifies a big change in every sphere. I've been told it's okay to worry, and that all of my worries are justified in some personal way. When I decided to go to London, I really didn't stop to think about the changes this trip would bring forth. But the changes are coming, and I just have to stop, breathe, and enjoy the moment. This trip is only going to happen once, and this moment is never going to come again. Hopefully, I will diligently keep up with this blog so I can share every moment with my friends and family back home. Who knows? Maybe this blog will motivate some of you to follow your own dreams and have the adventure you've always wanted. If there is one thing that is certain in this world, it is that it is never too late for dreams to come true.